by Gabrielle Anwar
Without enough sleep we go completely nuts! So hang on to your sanity the next few months. Ask for help from family, friends, your partner. When Baby finally succumbs to a snooze, you do the same. The dishes can wait. There are numerous sleep techniques to establish a pattern during the day and night, some simple, some more complicated and other’s emotionally excruciating. As many sleep techniques as there are, there are as many books on the subject. It’s a confusing and frustrating component to initial parenting. Sleeping through the night is an anomaly. For their own survival babies can only sleep a maximum of 5 hours at a time.
So don’t expect to get more than a few hours between feeding and diaper changing. If you manage your expectations, then you have some semblance of realistic success ahead. The more you connect with Baby and pay attention to his needs, the easier it will be to pick up on his cues, including those for sleep. The more you adhere to a daily routine, from day one, the better off you and your baby will be.
What you do, and who you are with you baby during the day will directly affect the relationship between you at night.