Gabrielle Anwar
Born in Berkshire, England, the accomplished Gabrielle Anwar has over 45 film and television performances to her credit in both Europe and the States. In 2001 Gabrielle discovered the work of Dr. Emmi Pikler after the birth of her second child. Her three children were raised within the Pikler® method, Gabrielle siting the insightful work as “life-changing.” In 2017 Gabrielle completed a biographic screenplay about Pikler’s life, and hopes to continue her work on the Pikler USA Board to bring this same enlightenment to parents globally. In 2023 Gabrielle launched Rethink Baby to educate parents and caregivers how to increase self esteem, compassion and self respect in infants and toddlers. A filmmaker, painter, writer and director, Gabrielle has emphatically enthused, “When children are raised without violence, even in its most subtle form, they learn not how to harm another, instead with this approach, they learn how to love. Herein lies the key to peace.”